Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Aarhus, Denmark; RM T9 Passfield Hall

Woah! A flurry of events have just passed and I have had barely the time or energy to make a record of my life. But I shall get some of it down. Last I left u I was heading towards Victoria Station with Ong and Sherwayn. Aarhus proved to be pretty fantastic, not only because the people were great, nice, friendly but also because company was good. We toked, we laughed, we joked, we made innane comments ... this is wad travelling is all about ... it is not so much the place or sights but rather wad u make of it ... even the most boring of places can turn out to be a great trip (not that Aarhus was in anyway boring). Lemme just say smth about the wonderful Danes. They are above all amiable and sincerely welcoming and curisouly very trusting. There were bicycles all over the city, unclocked and unshackled. The degree of trust and social spirit required for such a simple act astounds me but this great Nordic society possesses it in abundance! I think that one can tell when a society has reached a kind of maturity when people no longer have to be kiasu (i'm not excused!) and weary of each other but instead identify themselves with the greater whole. The welfare system in this case (unlike UK) has turned out for the better since it has engendered a great social equality which in my view is neccessary for level of societal maturity. Yet I wonder if this is a trait merely characteristic of the Nordics in general? Are Chinese capable of such actions, social spirit. Sherwayn did not believe so ... he thought we were too selfish and too kiasu as a race to be able to appreciate this. But I am more optimistic!
Well back to the trip ... we arrived to a chilly (-3 degrees), white (completely snow covered) and oddly sunny Aarhus airport. Heh we arrived with nothing more than out packs and some cash actually for (I think I mentioned this b4) did not book any hotel or transport wad so ever! Heh but improvisation is the order of the day eh? Makes things more free and easy and gives everything a more relaxed touch! Okay halt! I shall continue another day with my account!
Haiz anyway I just wanna say I arrived back, had a McDonald's supper and slumped into bed at 0400. Woke up this morning zombie liked and managed to pass the day. Tmr is our disco and things do NOT look good. But no use worrying just gonna have as much fun as possible ... it is after all Mambo music! Yay!


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