Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Biking and Books ...

Well the only note-worthy incident of the last two days was our little cycling expedition today to Elephant and Castle! It was frought with perils (due to our relative inexperience and serious lack of skill!) and a little hair raising at times (just try London traffic!). Hee the funniest incident was along Waterloo bridge. Despite keeping a constant watch on my dear compatriot all along the bridge, she as NOWHERE to be found when I reached the end! Panicking, I lugged the bike onto my shoulder and began to RUN up waterloo bridge. Nearing the mid-point however I received a call and was informed that I was a dodo-bird since she was now AHEAD of me having overtaken me AROUND a bus. Phew! Cycling is fun though. ;p
PLUS Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time, Book 11 - Knife of Dreams, and George R. R. Martin's A Feast of Crows are finally out!!!!!!!!!! I purchase both hard-backs almost instantaneously from Forbidden Planet (the latter even AUTOGRAPHED!!!!)! Yay! So happy! I'd almost thought that that old man Robert Jordan had died - he was taking too for this last installment (nearly 2.5 years) - and if he had left the story hanging half way after ELEVEN books I would have killed him DEADER! *Bliss* ;D


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