Monday, January 23, 2006


I read a lot of articles about how the age of print media, in particular newspapers, magazines and the like are facing dire times ahead. To a certain extent this is true. Newspapers I have read have lost so much of their integrity/ dignity that they now regularly give out freebies in the form of free cinema tickets, DVD, VCDs regularly to attain temporary spikes in sales. Rupert Murdoch owner of the giant media group News Corp spoke of the importance of the internet and how it will become a growing source of revenue for his company. Subscriptions for papers and to a lesser extent magazines fall year by year.
Yet consider the internet - the source of all opportunities and threats these days it seems - seraching for news online can be a hassle requiring you to sieve through loads of junk before you arrive. On dedicated news sites, the information is gathered and organized for you but somehow I dun find it as pleasurable as reading from an old-styled newspaper or magazine. Indeed my eyes start to water after 15 min of squinting at the screen. Plus it ain't portable like the old-fashioned print.
I'll be a sad day when print is abolished and we are left with naught but electronic media. (Not to mention the fact that my entire library, pain-stackingly collected would become obsolete!)
Hoho maybe I'm old-fashioned you say. Does anyone agree with me?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree! I definitely much prefer the old school way, maybe not in terms of going to the library to research every single thing (here I can't imagine life without the internet), but when it comes to storybooks and stuff. Reading online just doesn't cut it.

Even when I get lecture notes online I like to print them out to read.

Nah... people have been speculating that the print media will become obsolete, but I think people are still way too entrenched in the physical, emotional aspect of reading directly from a paper.

On the bright, if they do become obsolete then your collection will be prized antiques. :)

10:57 PM

Blogger Justin said...

hoho didn't know you people felt the same way ... actually zh yeah i know you have attachment to your literature and poems and stuff but chuanni??? i tot you were ze queen of technology??!! ;p

5:58 PM


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