A Good Term
HE never ceases to amaze me because truthfully I am far from the best, I am also not the strongest christian but time and again I have been blessed. I guess I need to start working on some payback.
At the end of it all ... the final day of term and the end of this endeavour ... I wish to convey my gratitude to:
HIM - it took me awhile to gather my faith ... but I think I learnt that I needed to trust that HE always sets the right path ahead for me
Bennifer Aniston - my constant partner and buddy who prepares me for my trials - GO FOR IT!
Victor Boy - my coach and tutor in IN100 - would not have done it without the training
Nolly Bolly - for managing to confirm my faith in Him and for your pointers and tips
Hien - the ultimate coach - never apply for a job without him - always willing to help and never selfish about his ideas or knowledge
Ninja - my little friend who never ceases to bring me down to earth, who is ever supportive in her special, unique way and who with her talk of dreams and goals somehow induced in me the believe that I too could be the same - its been a crazy term bee ... but you are right its been a good one! ;p
Dad and Coach - for always believing in me even when I stopped doing so
Many other people - who have helped one way or another
Welcome to the United States of America-land! :)
10:07 PM
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