Monday, December 27, 2004

Shopping Addict!

Arghhh! I am now a CERTIFIED TRUE BLUE SHOPPING ADDICT! Since returning from UK I must have spent like close to a thousand bucks? Phew dun let Dad see this! Anyway I just came home from JB and although I am satisfied with my haul this time round ... my pockets are also much lighter! I bought the complete 6 DVD set of the Get Backers anime for S$100. Pirated DVDs. Haha had a pretty paranoid-filled experience through customs as Jeremy kept insisting that we were gonna be caught. Oh and funniest thing (or worst thing depending on whose point of view) was Gore (my brother 's) custom experience. He was behind me at the Sinagpore customs and was taking a real long time. I looked back and asked him why the hell he was taking so long. He said, "a little problem ..." Later I found out that the little problem was his unrenewed passport. Upon questioning he said, "I though I could renew it here wad!" *ROFL* I had a hard time sympathizing with him cos it was such a stupid and yesh abusurdly funny screw-up. Well anyway we had to leave without him and he wasn' too devastated anyway cos he'd been to JB too many times in the past year.
I had lotsa good food there and buoyed by the knowledge that the MIGHTY POUND was seven times the strength of the ringgit, I went on a spending and wating spree! Sushi King, Roti Prata, Nasi Lemak, Roti Boy, Pasta .... ah Heaven is a Place on earth ... even if only for a few bliss seconds!
Gotta start packing my suitcase soon ... dun wanna be as last minute as the last time - where I was packing till the last second b4 I left (and incidentally forgot quite a few things ...). Heh I'm slowing ticking away on my wish-list for London - Pineapple tarts, pork floss, nutella, luncheon meat. Yeah the wierdest things that you'll miss when u are home away from home.
Hmm only three days left to New Year's Eve ... dunno wad I'm gonna do though. Kinda got tired of those mass parties already. Anyway they're always swamped with hoards of Banglas (hehe I am not rascist ok! it is true!). Ah well mebbe I should just stay low-key this year. Contemplate all that has happened this year? Prepare goals for next year? Haha.
Anyway to all frens out there have a HAPPY NEW YEAR! God Bless you all for the next 365 days!


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