Saturday, September 10, 2005

Smashed and Bashed!

The last few days - a deluge of catastrophe and great fun! Wednesday was a bash of a day - I had my FIRST and probably only soccer game of the entire summer, and one of the greatest mambo nights ever! Had great company - many LSE buddies (some non-clubbers even like Sarah and Meh Meh) spanning 3 generations (jo, mich, jon, meiping, meh meh, sarah, nic, vet, sam, wanyi) toegther with many favourite tunes! But I was really quite high so wad tune it was really didn't matter anymore haha! Oh and yesh it was jon's and sarah's birthday!!!! (the latter receiving some cake in the face for remembrance sake!) Topped it off with a nice filling prata and warm ginger tea which faded off into a 11hr sleep!
Now the bad side - first I lost my phone. I left it in my shirt or smth while playing soccer which I really shoudn't hve given my proclivities! THEN after dropping at Zouk I realized my card wallet was missing! I had left it in the taxi! Drats x 1000! So I immediately cancelled my UOB Visa Mini which I thought was in the wallet. Well now later as we were at the bar outside Phuture and they were calling for orders, the waitress mentioned that the beers were one-for-one with the Visa Mini. I checked my coin wallet and there the Visa was! But drats x 3000! It was already cancelled! Arghhhh!!!! Oh yah and need I mention ... I'm now settled with a horrific cough so hedious that I lost me voice! Grrr ... now I may not be able to run the half-marathon on Sunday!
Well it ended with one silver lining at least - it was my buddy ZH's fren who found my HP at NUS so I got it back real quick!


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