An Uncontrollable Turn of Events
So my horoscope in the Evening Standard Lite went smth like this: "as much as you like fine-tuning your life, prepare for un uncontrollable turn of events". Yeah and it was proven to be most freaskishly correct. I'd been having problems with my stomach for the last five days - mostly full of gas and just plain uncomfortable but yesterday it turned pretty damed painful and I was literally writhing ard. Yup and as luck would have it today was the Notts Games and for the second year running, I miss soccer! Sheesh! And I was really looking forward to it! Sighz ... anyway two great buds assisted me to UCH (that damned cursed place!) where we waited for 3 hrs or so just to see the doctor. I was diagnosed with Stomach Infection - same case as in the army, only milder - luckily nothing too serious. Still they convinced moi not to go to Notts and so here I am in the house myself, alone, too sian to do any work and very bored nonetheless. Sheesh. Ain' that life?
Still the past few days weren't bad ... there was Harry Potter on Wednesday! Yay - Orange Wednesdays! And the show was pretty good save that I found Prizoner of Azkahban a little better. And I must say that Emma looked GORGEOUS in this show - she just simply stole the show and practically glimmers when compared to the others in her cast (hint: Harry, Ron ... even Cho Chang was disappontingly erm fat as my dear companion puts it? ;p). I knew I had a star spotted right when I caught the Philosopher's Stone haha. Kk enuf of paedophilic wonderings ;p
Oh and did I mention? I spend Wednesday gardening at an old folk's home (or smth thereabouts) in Waterloo. Heh didn't know there were so many intricacies to gardening till now plus I nearly had my fingers frozen right off my hands - lack of foresight, no gloves.
And woot! Only two weeks till the end of this mad, mad, mad term. French Alps, 18 Elliot Walk, here I come!!! ;p
Yesh! I think she's damn chio too. Always thot she was chio. And Cho was yeah... disappointing. :(
1:49 PM
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