Tuesday, February 14, 2006

My Dad

you know how people often celebrate the selflessness of moms and how they sacrifice their lives and more for their children and family? well i think dad's are underappreciated most of the time too! i take me dad's 57th birthday to pen a tribute to my dad.

since my mom passed away shortly after i turned 11, he has been the decisive influence in my life. in contrast to my other siblings, i shared the burden of keeping the family together and this brought us closer together. we don't speak about our private lives to each other. i don't tell him about my love live, nor some of my other problems. but between us there remains a strong bond, the knowledge that we are similar in many ways and that we are always there for each other. for 12 years our little conversations over supper, in the car on the way to dinner and rugby/ tennis match chats have shaped my thinking, philosophy of life and attitude towards society. more subtlety my ethic of hard work, and the believe that hard work trumps most adversities in life stems from my father's incredible focus and commitment to excellence and improvement in his career, family and all that he commits himself to - he started life in the poorest of conditions and his risen far. he couples all this with great commitment to the family. at 57 he has not thought of retirement, only to ensure that all 4 of us have an overseas education.

i inherited his temper (somewhat improved now;p), his obsession for fitness, love for sports, passion for reading. i'm told that i follow too closely in his shadow. perhaps. but at this point i also celebrate my dad. the person who for me, commands the greatest respect.

13th February 2006. happy 57th birthday dad.


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