This is my NEW Head Intelligence 110 Racket. A stunning piece of masterpiece that cost me 60pds but well worth every penny. From the moment you step onto the court you feel the power of the racket tingling in your hands somewhat like a wild beast waiting to lunge at the opponent. The racket manufacturers tell us that the frame is made from a special piezoelectric material that miraculously transforms the mechanical energy of the impact into an electrical force which stiffens the frame of the racket allowing added power. Well on Saturday I was convinced! The weight, a mere 110 grams makes it seem as if you are carrying only a pencil yet the power in the racket far exceeds that of my old 115 gram Prince racket which sadly met its demise when I shattered it into three pieces last wednesday. Anyway woe betide all my future opponents! Woah I'm so totally into squash now man!
Does this mean u got a chance to beat me now? ;)
3:27 PM
Dude when I get back you are so totally eviscerated lor!!! Fear the arrival of that day!!!
12:34 AM
is that EVISCERATED a gre word. wuhaha. -ninja
1:18 PM
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