Saturday, January 01, 2005


Hmm the New Year was one of tempered joy at best. The tsunami tragedy seems to have overshadowed everything and we are getting reports about the death tolls, miracle survivors ad nauseum. It is terribly overpowering though when one witnesses not only the scences of devastation but also the torn families and lives. One scene relayed yesterday on CNN really encouraged me to open my wallet (not that it was very large to begin with ... haha) to the Singapore Red Cross Society. It was an interview with several separate elderly Indian folks who had lost their entire families, homes business and all that they had lived for. They were lost and really just ready to give up living. Money cannot cure such pain and anguish but wad it can do is to at least safe guard the lives of especially the children and those most vulnerable in such times. It can give them a new start which is more important because to move on one most be able to leave the shackles of the past behind. Hmm everyone has probably heard this a few million times already but here it is again ... give wad you can cos and everyone of them will receive it with more gratitude and thanx than a whole battalion of ordinary folks. Have sympathy for them and God have mercy on them.
Another thing that struck me about the disaster was the lack of preparation. Japan is armed with an alarm warning system that spans the entire Pacific. Yet the 8-odd nations that sustained the bulk of the damage were not even alerted by a radio broadcast. Now the United States is speaking of establishing a world-wide earthquake and tsunami warning system. Sighz its human nature isn't. It takes a humanitarian disaster the size of Hiroshima to get people of their asses and to look to future safeguards. Is Machiavelli right? Are humans all so shortsighted? Hmm but amidst this erm human failure you get remarkeable acts of human generosity and kindness. The Thais turned out full force to help stranded and bewildered tourists, a couple of Sinagporeans walked in with a bag of cash, $200,000 (actually sounded very dodgy to me when I heard of it ... who the hell has that much money in cash?!!) worth with requests to remain anonymous. Hell thats the thing out people .. they're screwed up but oso have the touch of the divine in them, that bit of both heaven and hell. Its wad gives us the free will to eventually choose either I think.
Well being philosophical aside, haha the last few days have been terribly hmm empty? Hah ... seem to have done nothing again. Have generally been mucking around a lot and watching lotsa DVDs. Just watched Harold and Kuma go to Whitecastle with my Dad last night and it was hilarious! Hee total American rubbish but still able to get under your funny bone and tickle it till it makes u want to cry! Kumar especially, or the the actor who plays Kumar is very good. His jokes and expression come off naturally like that other comedian I love, Chris Tucker (he stars in Rush Hour and if you haven't watched it ... GO!) Heh but had fun with Den at out dinner yesterday and will hang around more with my family b4 I leave cos the next time will be SIX MONTHS!
Sighz I noe I have gotten SLOWER and DUMBER again. I took like FOREVER to do a small math tutorial hw! Sheesh ... better buck up school is starting soon!


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